Nutrición Hospitalaria 00275 /
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Nutritional assessment of hospitalized patients in latin america: association with prognostic variables. the enhola study

Juan Carlos Castillo Pineda, Anel Gómez García, Nicolás Velasco, José Ignacio Díaz-pizarro Graf, Alfredo Matos Adámes, Alberto Miján De La Torre

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5350      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 8835      Citas   Citas: 2


Background and aim: The prevalence of hospital malnutrition (HM) is variable, explained by the variability of patients, the nutritional evaluation method used among others. The aim is to determine the frequency of malnutrition in hospitals in Latin America, and estimate its association with mortality and length of hospital stay.Methods: This is an analytical, observational cohort study that included 7,973 patients of both genders, 18 and older, who provided their consent. The survey was administered during the first three days of admission. The nutritional status was estimated using Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and the Nutrition Risk Screening (NRS), body mass index (BMI), percentage of change of weight (PCW) and co-morbidities. Serum albumin was obtained from the clinical chart. Length of stay (LOS) and the survival status at discharge (dead or alive) were also recorded.Results: By SGA: 10.9% had severe malnutrition and 34% moderate malnutrition. By NRS: 36.9% had nutritional risk. Univariate analysis showed that NRS score and serum albumin were prognostic factors for mortality: NRS 3-4 (OR: 2.3, 95% CI: 1.9-2.8), NRS 5-7 (OR: 5.8, 95% CI: 4.9-6.9), serum albumin < 2.5 g/dl, (OR: 2.9, 95% CI: 2.2-3.8). These results were consistent and similar to a multivariate analysis. Both NRS and serum albumin were also independently and clinically associated to LOS.Conclusions: The prevalence of hospital malnutrition in Latin America is high. Our results show that screening with NRS and serum albumin can identify hospital malnutrition as well as providing clinically relevant prognostic value.

Palabras Clave:

Fuchs-Tarlovsky, Vanessa, Castillo Pineda, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Veintimilla, Dolores, Calvo Higuera, Isabel, Grijalva Guerrero, Peter, Gómez García, Anel, Frias-Toral, Evelyn, Santana Porbén, Sergio (2022) Cancer-Related Malnutrition: Epidemiological Results from the Latin American Study of Malnutrition in the Oncology Practice. Nutrition and Cancer
Fan, Yuanyuan, Yao, Qianqian, Liu, Yufeng, Jia, Tiantian, Zhang, Junjuan, Jiang, Enshe (2022) Underlying Causes and Co-existence of Malnutrition and Infections: An Exceedingly Common Death Risk in Cancer. Frontiers in Nutrition

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