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Effect of satiety on body composition and anxiety in university athletes: cohort study

Alejandro Martínez-Rodríguez, Enrique Roche

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Background: Satiety is a determining parameter in nutrient intake control, which in the long run impacts on body weight. Many athletes need strict control on their weight to achieve their aims of the season.Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of satiety on body weight control and competitive anxiety in a university athletes population when they ingest ad libitum foods (SATIETY), or follow a nutritional dietary programme (DIET).Methods: The present study was a cohort study, in which 40 male university athletes participated. The assessment of body weight was done using the ISAK recommendations in its limited profile. The study of competitive anxiety was evaluated using the CSAI-2 questionnaire.Results: Results showed that the DIET group decreased significantly their body weight compared to the SATIETY group, they also obtained a significant improvement in their body composition, reducing fat mass. The SATIETY group didn’t show significant reductions in fat mass. This group showed higher competitive anxiety values than the DIET group.Conclusions: The university athletes that follow an adapted and individualized diet seem to show improvements in their body composition and anxiety compared to those with ad libitum food.

Palabras Clave: Dietary intake. Sport nutrition. Psychology. Fat mass. Muscle mass. Exercise.

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