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Infant growth and early adiposity depending on immigrant background and anthropometric standards; the calina study

Laura Escartín, María Pilar Samper, Idoia Labayen, María Luisa Álvarez, Luis A. Moreno, Gerardo Rodríguez

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Objective: To compare infant growth and adiposity pattern up to 2 years of age in Spanish infants, depending on maternal origin and anthropometric standards.Methods: Longitudinal study of a representative cohort of infants born at term in Aragon (Spain) (n = 1.430). Mean z-scores of weight, length, body mass index, triceps and subscapular skinfolds were calculated until 24 months of age using World Health Organization (WHO), Euro-Growth and Spanish growth standards and categorized by maternal origin (Spanish vs. immigrant).Results: Infants of immigrant mothers had higher weight, length, body mass index, triceps and subscapular skinfolds than Spanish maternal origin infants during the first months of life. Mean z-scores significantly varied depending on growth standards used. At 18 months of age, all anthropometric differences between both groups disappeared, but only when using WHO growth standards. Mean triceps and subscapular skinfold z-scores substantially and progressively increased from 3 months to 24 months of age in both groups compared to WHO standards. At 24 months, the prevalence of infants at risk of overweight and overweight were similar in both groups (Spanish: 15.1% and 3.8%; immigrant: 14.7% and 4.9%, respectively).Conclusions: Infant growth, adiposity patterns and prevalence of overweight depend on maternal origin, showing initial differences which progressively disappeared at 24 months of life when WHO growth standards were used. Differences in infant mean anthropometric measurements depend on anthropometric standard used. 

Palabras Clave: Infant. Growth. Adiposity. Immigration.

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