Nutrición Hospitalaria 00563 /
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Quality indicators for enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy: application in critically ill patients “at nutritional risk”

Ronaldo Sousa Oliveira Filho, Lia Mara Kauchi Ribeiro, Lucia Caruso, Patricia Azevedo Lima, Náglia Raquel Teixeira Damasceno, Francisco García Soriano

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 8362      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 10178      Citas   Citas: 4


Introduction: Quality Indicators for Nutritional Therapy (QINT) allow a practical assessment of nutritional therapy (NT) quality.Objective:To apply and monitor QINT for critically ill patients at nutritional risk.Methods:Cross sectional study including critically ill patients > 18 years old, at nutritional risk, on exclusive enteral (ENT) or parenteral nutritional therapy (PNT) for > 72 hours. After three consecutive years, 9 QINT were applied and monitored. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS version 17.0.Results: A total of 145 patients were included, 93 patients were receiving ENT, among then 65% were male and the mean age was 55.7 years (± 17.4); 52 patients were receiving PNT, 67% were male and the mean age was 58.1 years (± 17.4). All patients (ENT and PNT) were nutritionally screened at admission and their energy and protein needs were individually estimated. Only ENT was early initiated, more than 70% of the prescribed ENT volume was infused and there was a reduced withdrawal of enteral feeding tube. The frequency of diarrhea episodes and digestive fasting were not adequate in ENT patients. The proper supply of energy was contemplated only for PNT patients and there was an expressive rate of oral intake recovery in ENT patients.Conclusion: After three years of research, the percentage of QINT adequacy varied between 55%-77% for ENT and 60%-80% for PNT. The results were only made possible by the efforts of a multidisciplinary team and the continuous re-evaluation of the procedures in order to maintain the nutritional assistance for patients at nutritional risk.

Palabras Clave: Quality indicators. Enteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition. Critically ill patient. Malnutrition.

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Nogueira, Daiane Aparecida, Ferreira, Lara Princia, Andrade de Lúcia, Renata Paniago, Pena, Geórgia das Graças (2020) High frequency of non-compliance with quality indicators during oral nutrition support in hospitalized patients. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Nogueira, Daiane Aparecida, Ferreira, Lara Princia, de Lúcia, Renata Paniago Andrade, Pena, Geórgia das Graças (2020) High Frequency of Non-Compliance with Quality Indicators of Enteral and Parenteral Nutritional Therapy in Hospitalized Patients. Nutrients

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