Nutrición Hospitalaria 00577 /
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Validity and reliability of beverage intake questionnaire: evaluating hydration status

Efsun Kaabudak, Eda Köksal

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 1811      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 5800      Citas   Citas: 2


Objective: The purpose of this investigation is to test the validity and reliability the assessment methods for the true beverage consumption of adults.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out 291 healthy volunteers. The beverage intake questionnaire (BIQ) was prepared in combination with a new one which is developed based on basic principles and the existing one developed for the beverages consumed the most with respect to frequency and amount by Turkish populations. During the initial visit the participants completed BIQ1 and then provided a urine sample to determine urinary specific gravity(USG). For validity, participants recorded the type and quantity of foods and beverages consumed on the same day and previous two days. Two weeks later, for reliability, participants completed the same beverage intake questionnaire (BIQ2).Results: Mean daily total fluid intake was estimated at 1,773 ± 49.4mL using the dietary intake record (DIR), 2,120 ± 49.5 mL with BIQ1 and 1,990 ± 46.3 mL for BIQ2. The largest contribution to total fluid intake was plain water. The response on the two assessment tools (DIR and BIQ1) all beverage intakes were significantly correlated (p < 0.01) except for alcoholic beverage intake. One could see a significant correlation between BIQ1 and BIQ2 in relation to total fluid intakes (r = 0.838,p < 0.01). The USG measurement was negatively correlated with three assessment tools (DIR, BIQ1 and BIQ2), the amount of plain water and the amount of total fluid intake.Conclusions: The self-administered instrument described in this study may be useful for researchers interested in assessing habitual beverage consumption patterns or evaluating hydration status for adults.

Palabras Clave: Beverage intake questionnaire. Validity. Reliability. Urine gravity. Fluid intake.

ŞEN, Nilüfer, AKTAÇ, Şule (2021) Validity and reliability study for Turkish adaptation of water balance questionnaire. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
Alsahly, Rakan Jaser, Aldawsari, Abdulrahman Abbas, Alzaidy, Nawaf Fahad, Al Jabr, Faisal Ali, Alotaibi, Mamdouh Mohammed, Mohamed, Elsadig Yousif (2022) Dry Eye Disease Symptoms and Its Association with Daily Beverage Intake Among Adults in Saudi Arabia. Clinical Ophthalmology

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