Nutrición Hospitalaria 00589 /
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Hepatic function and antioxidant activity in diabetic rats subjected to diet supplemented with multimixture

Josseanne Maria Teixeira, Maria Do Carmo De Carvalho Martins, Luanne Fortes Monte Soares, Ana Lina De Carvalho Cunha Sales, Daiane Cristina Ferreira Damasceno, Francisco Valmor Macedo Cunha, Regina Célia De Assis, José Carlos Santos Júnior, Nivea Maria Da Costa Sousa

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 2259      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 6675      Citas   Citas: 0


Introduction: Food and dietetic components have received considerable attention as auxiliary feeding resources on controlling of chronic non-transmissible diseases, among them diabetes. This study evaluated the effect of supplementary diet with multimixture based on linseed, sesame, oats and sunflower seeds on the hepatic function and antioxidant activity of diabetic rats.Methods: Male rats were distributed on groups of seven animals: diabetic control (DC), diabetics subject to multimixture diet (DM), diabetic with insulin (DI), and normal control (NC). The treatment was started on the 5th day after diabetes induction with 40 mg/kg i.v. streptozotocin on tampon citrate and kept during 50 days.Results: The ethereal extract of the supplemented diet showed a higher content of phenolics (p < 0.05) compared to other extracts of the supplemented diet and the ethereal extract of the standard diet. There was no difference in antioxidant in vitro activity of the utilized diets. Concerning to transaminases, significant bigger ALT levels (p < 0.05) were present on diabetic groups compared to NC. The relative liver weight on diabetic groups was significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared to NC group. Non-proteic sulfhydryl group levels were significantly higher (p < 0.05) on DM and I groups when compared to DM and NC. Only the treatment with insulin resulted in an improvement of antioxidant activity concerning to hepatic catalase. The supplementation with multimixture did not improve the metabolic control of diabetes.Conclusion: The multimixture treatment showed an isolated improvement on antioxidant activity in the hepatic tissue, evidenced by the increasing on non-proteic sulfhydryl group levels.

Palabras Clave: Diabetes mellitus experiment. Supplementary feeding. Transaminases. Antioxidants.

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