Nutrición Hospitalaria 00865 /
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Effect of the implementation of the mixed cafeteria system in a hospital nutrition and dietetic service

Kamila Pires de Carvalho, Flaviana Pereira De Oliveira Martins, Isis Danyelle Dias Custódio, Emanuelle Do Nascimento Santos Lima, Daniela Nogueira Prado De Souza, Yara Cristina de Paiva Maia

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Introduction: The type of service offered by the nutrition and dietetics service (NDS) of a hospital has a direct impact on food waste.Objective: To evaluate waste in the transition from a simple to a mixed cafeteria service.Methodology: The study was carried out in a NDS of a University Hospital during 60 days (30 days for each type of service). The meals prepared and distributed and the leftovers of lunch and dinner were weighed.Results: Per capita values of non-usable leftovers were below the acceptable range (7-25 g), not varying with the service transition (p = 0.3) at lunch. At dinner, on the contrary, values were above the acceptable range, with a median of 190 g and 202 g, also showing no difference with the service modification (p = 0.5). At lunch, with the transition, there was a reduction in the plate waste-ingestion (p < 0.0001), percentage of plate waste-ingestion (p < 0.0001) and percentage of non-usable foods (p = 0.007). At dinner, there was a reduction in the plate waste-ingestion (p < 0.0001) and in the percentage of plate waste-ingestion (p = 0.0001).Conclusion: The modification of the service type was effective in reducing the plate waste-ingestion, but did not lead to operational modifications of the service, since the amount of non-usable leftovers remained high at dinner. Greater control of the production and distribution of meals is suggested, as well as training of food handlers and supervisors, implementation of standardized operating procedures and cost control in order to reduce waste, which has an economic, social and political impact.

Palabras Clave: Food Services; Food Services, Hospital; Leftovers

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