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Frequency and quality of mid-afternoon snack among spanish children

Cristina Julian, Alba María Santaliestra-pasías, Maria Luisa Miguel-berges, Luis Alberto Moreno

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Introduction: There are increasing concerns about the types of foods and beverages consumed by children during mid-afternoon snack in Spain.Aim: To describe the frequency and quality of the mid-afternoon snack in a representative sample of Spanish children.Methods: A total of 1,233 younger (three to six years) and 1,618 older (seven to twelve years) children participated in the study. The report of food and beverages consumed per week during the mid-afternoon snack meal (merienda)was obtained by an online platform.Results: An 84.4% of younger and 78.3% of older children were mid-afternoon snack consumers. Regular consumers were more likely to be from the South and the Centre regions. Sandwich was the most consumed food item among younger (49.5%) and older (59.7%) consumers; 46.5% of mid-afternoon snacks contained two food items among younger children, and 50.1% of mid-afternoon snacks contained one food item among older children. “Fruit”, “milk and biscuits”, and “fruit, biscuits and juices” were the most consumed combinations when considering one, two and three or more food items during one-time mid-afternoon occasion, respectively.Conclusions: The frequency of mid-afternoon snack occasions and the number and quality of food items consumed during one-time mid-afternoon snack occasion decrease with age. Spanish children should increase the frequency of mid-afternoon snack consumption and include healthy options in their menus. Longitudinal and intervention studies are needed to address the health impact of snacking and how to use this meal occasion to balance children’s diets.

Palabras Clave: Snacking. Diet. Food consumption. Meal occasion

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