Nutrición Hospitalaria 01148 /
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Influence of a meal-replacement diet on quality of life in women with obesity and knee osteoarthritis before orthopedic surgery

Juan José López-gómez, Olatz Izaola-jáuregui, Beatriz Torres-torres, Emilia Gómez Hoyos, María Ángeles Castro Lozano, Ana Ortolá-buigues, Miguel Ángel Martín Ferrero, Daniel de Luis Román

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5382      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 9644      Citas   Citas: 3


Background: Knee osteoarthritis is a disease with a high prevalence in our environment, especially in women. Weight loss can improve the quality of life of these patients before surgery.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of a meal-replacement diet on weight loss, body composition, and the improvement of the quality of life in obese women with knee osteoarthritis pending surgery.Methods:One branch intervention study was performed over three months on 81 women with a body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2 with knee osteoarthritis before surgery. Patients received a hyperproteic meal-replacement diet with two bottles of an oral nutrition supplement in lunch and dinner (1,035 kcal). Anthropometric parameters, and body composition were measured. The quality of life was assessed by WOMAC and SF-36 test.Results: The mean age of the patients was 62.23 (8.50) years. The percentage of weight loss was 8.23% (4.04). An improvement in the SF-36 total score was observed (basal: 49.35 [20.41], three months: 58.71 [17.07], p < 0.01). There was an improvement in WOMAC test (basal: 49.24% [25.53], three months: 40.59% [21.76], p < 0.01). It was observed that a 10% improvement in the SF-36 test was independently related to weight loss (OR: 1.2 [1.03-1.36], p < 0.02) adjusted by age and changes in body composition.Conclusions: In women with osteoarthritis of the knee treated with a meal-replacement diet, there is a significant decrease in weight and fat mass with a relative increase of the latter. There is an improvement in the quality of life according to SF-36 and WOMAC. There is an independent relationship between weight loss and SF-36 improvement.

Palabras Clave: knee osteoarthritis; quality of life; diet; weight loss

Genel, Furkan, Pavlovic, Natalie, Gao, Manxin, Hackett, Danella, Lewin, Adriane, Piya, Milan, Mills, Kathryn, Brady, Bernadette, Dennis, Sarah, Boland, Rob, Harris, Ian A., Flood, Victoria M., Adie, Sam, Naylor, Justine M. (2024) Optimising body weight in people with obesity prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: A feasibility study utilising a dietitian‐led low inflammatory diet. Musculoskeletal Care
Kempf, Kerstin, Röhling, Martin, Banzer, Winfried, Braumann, Klaus Michael, Halle, Martin, Schaller, Nina, McCarthy, David, Predel, Hans Georg, Schenkenberger, Isabelle, Tan, Susanne, Toplak, Hermann, Martin, Stephan, Berg, Aloys (2022) High-Protein, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement Improves Physical Health-Related Quality of Life in High-Risk Persons for Metabolic Syndrome—A Subanalysis of the Randomised-Controlled ACOORH Trial. Nutrients
Martín-Fuentes, María, Varas de Dios, Blanca, Valverde Villar, Ana María, Sánchez Almaraz, Rosalía, Pérez Torres, Almudena, Iglesias Domínguez, Lucía, Muñoz García, Nuria, Guindal Pérez, Yolanda, Aragonés Maza, Paloma, Reche Sainz, Carlos María, Espina Flores, Irene, Neira Borrajo, Inmaculada, Romero Estarlich, Vicente (2023) Nutritional, bone and body composition assessment of patients with knee and hip arthroplasty. Nutrición Hospitalaria

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