Nutrición Hospitalaria 01404 /
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Use of nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids in professional tennis players

Álvaro López-samanes, Víctor Moreno-pérez, Mark S. Kovacs, Jesús G. Pallarés, Ricardo Mora-rodríguez, Juan F. Ortega

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Introduction: Nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids (NS&EA) are used between training/matches with the goal of enhancing tennis performance. Scientific literature about prevalence and use of NS&EA in professional tennis players is scarce.Objective: The aim of the study was to describe the NS&EA used by professional tennis players during a season.Methods: Using a validated self-administered questionnaire, 62 professional male and 9 professional female tennis players (11% in their gender specific top 100 tennis world ranking (i.e.,ATP/WTA)) registered all the used NS&EA.Results: Eighty-one percent of the participants declared taking at least one NS&EA. Strength and conditioning trainers (S&C) and tennis coaches were the professionals who recommended most of the NS&EA in the players outside the TOP-100 (OT100; 50.7% and 39.1%, respectively). However, sports nutritionist were the principal advisors in the top-100 tennis players (T100; 62.5%). Sports drinks were the NS&EA most commonly used by all participants (81.7%). T100 participants used caffeine (p = 0.042), creatine (p = 0.001), iron (p = 0.013) and CHO-protein mix (p = 0.033) significantly more frequently that OT100 players.Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of NS&EA use among professional tennis players independently of their tennis ranking position. However, T100 tennis player have an increased use of certain substances such us caffeine, creatine, iron and CHO-Protein mix. For the rest of the studied NS&EA the use was similar between T100 and OT100 players. It is possible that the differences in NS&EA use between groups could be related to the different professionals on charge of nutritional advice in T100 vs OT100.

Palabras Clave:

Mata, Fernando, Domínguez, Raúl, López-Samanes, Álvaro, Sánchez-Gómez, Ángela, Jodra, Pablo, Sánchez-Oliver, Antonio J. (2021) Analysis of the consumption of sports supplements in elite fencers according to sex and competitive level. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
de Oliveira, Vinnycius Nunes, Andrade, Marilia Santos, Sinisgalli, Rafaella, Vancini, Rodrigo Luiz, de Conti Teixeira Costa, Gustavo, Weiss, Katja, Knechtle, Beat, de Lira, Claudio Andre Barbosa (2024) Prevalence of dietary supplement use among male Brazilian recreational triathletes: a cross-sectional study. BMC Research Notes
Muñoz, Alejandro, López-Samanes, Álvaro, Domínguez, Raúl, Moreno-Pérez, Víctor, Jesús Sánchez-Oliver, Antonio, Del Coso, Juan (2020) Use of Sports Supplements in Competitive Handball Players: Sex and Competitive Level Differences. Nutrients
Vicente-Salar, Néstor, Santos-Sánchez, Guillermo, Roche, Enrique (2020) Nutritional Ergogenic Aids in Racquet Sports: A Systematic Review. Nutrients

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