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Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and obesity in children’s meta-analyses: reaching wrong answers for right questions.

Mariela Nissensohn, Daniel Fuentes Lugo, Lluis Serra-Majem

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 6824      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 10828      Citas   Citas: 5


Background: Recent studies assert that sugar-containing drinks may play a key role in the etiology of obesity. However, scientific reviews show contradictory results. Whether there is just association or clear causation still is a matter of debate. It is also subject to discussion whether the quality/adequacy of the different studies may influence their outcome. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the most recent scientific evidence focused on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and child obesity and to further analyze the adequacy of the meta-analyses in terms of their results, with special emphasis in the methodology, clarity and transparence of their procedures. Methods: Only meta-analyses of randomized control trial studies were selected. The search was performed on PubMed and Cochrane Website until January, 2016. Adherence to PRISMA was assessed. Results: Six meta-analyses were included. All of them showed some degree of evidence of heterogeneity in theirs pool estimates. Two of them showed a positive association between SSB and obesity but the other four found no association. The adherence to the PRISMA criteria was higher in two of the meta-analyses that showed opposite conclusions regarding the association or non-association of SSB and obesity in children. Thus, there is no relation between the adequacy of the meta-analyses to the PRISMA criteria and the results obtained. Conclusion:The use of meta-analysis as a scientific tool still demand more polishing, agreement and spread out use by researchers. SSB are being accused of being a main cause of the existing obesity, but this subject requires a broader approach that includes a thorough analysis of diet and lifestyle and a stronger body of scientific evidence based on data from epidemiological studies conducted in different populations.  

Palabras Clave:

Ortega, Rosa, Jiménez Ortega, Ana Isabel, Martínez García, Rosa María, Aguilar-Aguilar, Elena, Lozano Estevan, María Del Carmen (2022) Childhood obesity as a health priority. Guidelines for improving weight control. Nutrición Hospitalaria
Reppas, Kyriakos, Papamichael, Maria Michelle, Usheva, Natalya, Iotova, Violeta, Chakarova, Nevena, Cardon, Greet, Rurik, Imre, Antal, Emese, Valve, Päivi, Liatis, Stavros, Makrilakis, Konstantinos, Moreno, Luis, Manios, Yannis, Moschonis, George (2024) Associations between household food environment and daily intake of regular and diet soft drinks per BMI status of European children: Feel4Diabetes Study. Nutrition Bulletin
Mansouri, Masoume, Sharifi, Farshad, Yaghubi, Hamid, Varmaghani, Mehdi, Tabrizi, Yousef Moghadas, Nasiri, Morteza, Sadeghi, Omid (2020) Sugar-sweetened beverages consumption in relation to hypertension among Iranian university students: the MEPHASOUS study. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

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