Nutrición Hospitalaria 01559 /
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Cravings, sugar and fat consumption as determinant factors of obesity in young adults in juarez city

Graciela Cristina Avitia, Yolanda Loya Méndez, Verónica Portillo Reyes, Gilberto Reyes Leal, John W. Capps Iv

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5527      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 9473      Citas   Citas: 4


Introduction: obesity is a global health epidemic and understanding its causes is essential for successful treatment and prevention. Cravings have been associated with the excessive consumption of sugars and fats, and addictive eating behavior.Objective: to determine the strength of the relationship between cravings, the consumption of sugar and fat, and its impact on body composition as determined via body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BFP) and waist circumference (WC) in a sample of Mexicans who reside close to the México-U.S. border.Methods: the sample was comprised of 159 young adults with a mean age of 27.96 ± 6.19, 45.9% of which were male, and all residents of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Cravings were measured using Trait and State Food Cravings Questionnaires. The consumption of sugars and fats was determined via a 24-hour recall of foods consumed and a food consumption frequency questionnaire.Results: it was demonstrated that BMI and BFP were positively associated with responses to the craving questionnaires and WC with fat consumption. Additionally, higher fat consumption was positively associated with higher rates of obesity.Conclusions: the results demonstrate the need to identify the presence of cravings and integrate such measures for effective prevention and treatment of obesity.

Palabras Clave:

Halim, Josephine Gabrielle, Ervina, Ervina (2024) The Effect of Cold Press Juice Consumption During Snack Time on Hunger Level and Food Intake Based on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Taetzsch, Amy, Roberts, Susan B., Gilhooly, Cheryl H., Lichtenstein, Alice H., Krauss, Amy J., Bukhari, Asma, Martin, Edward, Hatch-McChesney, Adrienne, Das, Sai Krupa (2020) Food cravings: Associations with dietary intake and metabolic health. Appetite
Kummer, Sandra, Dalkner, Nina, Schwerdtfeger, Andreas, Hamm, Carlo, Schwalsberger, Karin, Reininghaus, Bernd, Krammer, Georg, Reininghaus, Eva (2021) The conscientiousness-health link in depression: Results from a path analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders
Wu, Jia, Pierart, Camila, Chaplin, Tara M., Hommer, Rebecca E., Mayes, Linda C., Crowley, Michael J. (2020) Getting to the heart of food craving with resting heart rate variability in adolescents. Appetite

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