Nutrición Hospitalaria 01794 /
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Health-related physical fitness of normal, stunted and overweight children aged 6-14 years in macedonia

Seryozha Gontarev, Ruzdija Kalac, Lence Velickovska, Daniela Stojmanovska, Andrijana Misovski, Josko Milenkovski

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 7003      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 8053      Citas   Citas: 6


Objective: the objective of this study is to compare the growth and health-related physical fitness of normal, overweight/obese and stunted Macedonian children aged 6-14 years.Methods: this cross-sectional study included 9,241 children of Macedonian nationality, from 19 primary schools from the central and east part of the Republic, out of which eight are in a rural setting and eleven are in urban environment. In order to carry out the objectives of the research, four anthropometric measurements, two derived anthropometric measurements, two measurements for assessing body composition and seven fitness tests were applied. Normal-not stunted, not owt/ob; stunted-not owt/ob; and owt/ob-not stunted were compared with multivariate analysis of covariance controlling for socioeconomic status, residence status (urban or rural), sex, age and age squared.Results: statistically significant differences were found in all anthropometric measurements, and measurements for assessing body composition among the groups of subjects classified as normal, stunted and overweight/obese (p ˂ 0.000). Children who belong to the normal weight group achieve better results in all fitness tests (p < 0.001), except for the handgrip and bent arm hang tests. Overweight/obese children achieve better results in the handgrip fitness test compared to normal and stunted children. Stunted children achieve better results in the bent arm hang fitness test compared to normal and overweight/obese children. Intergroup differences were found in the sit and reach fitness test.Conclusion: when compared to normal weight children, both under- and over-nourished children performed poorer on some, but not all, health-related fitness tests.

Palabras Clave:

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Fiori, Federica, Bravo, Giulia, Parpinel, Maria, Messina, Giovanni, Malavolta, Rita, Lazzer, Stefano, Böttcher, Yvonne (2020) Relationship between body mass index and physical fitness in Italian prepubertal schoolchildren. PLOS ONE
Vaccari, Filippo, Fiori, Federica, Bravo, Giulia, Parpinel, Maria, Messina, Giovanni, Malavolta, Rita, Lazzer, Stefano (2021) Physical fitness reference standards in Italian children. European Journal of Pediatrics
Morina, Besnik, Gjonbalaj, Malsor, Gontarev, Seryozha, Georgiev, Georgi (2022) Association between Club Sports Participation and Physical Fitness of 6–10-Year-Old Macedonian Children. Physical Education Theory and Methodology
Santos, Carla, Bustamante, Alcibíades, Vasconcelos, Olga, Pereira, Sara, Garganta, Rui, Tani, Go, Hedeker, Donald, Katzmarzyk, Peter T., Maia, José (2020) Stunting and Physical Fitness. The Peruvian Health and Optimist Growth Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Bojanic, Danilo, Ljubojevic, Milovan, Gontarev, Seryozha, Georgiev, Georgi, Velickovska, Lence Aleksovska (2023) First body fat reference curves for Macedonian children and adolescents: the MAKFIT study. Nutrición Hospitalaria

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