Nutrición Hospitalaria 01799 /
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Epidemiology of home enteral nutrition: an approximation to reality

Rocío Villar Taibo, Miguel Ángel Martinez Olmos, Diego Bellido Guerrero, Alfonso Vidal-Casariego, Roberto Peinó García, Aurelio Martís Sueiro, Vanessa Ríos Barreiro, Pilar Cao Sánchez, Reyes Durán Martínez, María José Rodríguez Iglesias, Brígida Rodríguez Blanco, Juan Rojo Valdés

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5864      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 9103      Citas   Citas: 5


Introduction: home enteral nutrition (HEN) has undergone an important development; however, there is a notable lack of information with regard to its incidence and characteristics.Objectives: our aim was to assess the state of HEN in our area.Methods: an observational, prospective study, involving all patients who had initiated HEN in the Nutrition Unit during a year. Epidemiological, functional, and nutritional evolution of the patients was described and incidence of HEN was calculated.Results: HEN incidences totalled 229/100,000 inhabitants/year. The HEN population in our area was characterized by the aged and a high frequency of comorbidity and functional limitations. Neurological and oncological diseases accounted for 50% of indications. The remaining cases were malnourished patients who had received short periods of HEN after hospitalization or a hip fracture. Oral supplements (60%) with standard and hypercaloric formulas were used the most. At baseline, 75% of the patients suffered from malnutrition. During the follow-up, patients showed weight gain (1.6%), an increase in the percentage of normal weight and overweight (from 74% to 82.7%, p = 0.001) and a reduction in pressure ulcers (15.7% vs10.3%, p < 0.001). The median duration of HEN was 8.5 months. Only a quarter of the patients experienced complications (mostly mild gastrointestinal complications); 43.1% had died at the end of the follow-up.Conclusions: in our area, the HEN incidence was much higher than those described in the literature. HEN appears to be a safe therapy with few complications that improves the nutritional status of the patients, even with short periods of administration.

Palabras Clave:

Rabat Restrepo, Juana Maria, Rebollo Pérez, Isabel María, García Luna, Pedro P., Pereira Cunill, José Luis, Vílchez López, Francisco Javier, Gonzalo Marín, Montserrat, Yestes Doblas, Carmen, Martínez Ortega, Antonio Jesús, Martínez-Ramírez, María José, Losada Morell, Concha, Rojas García, Julio, Ortiz Sánchez, Manuela, Obando de la Corte, Joaqu, Macías Colorado Campiña, Maria Eulalia (2024) Consensus on criteria and minimum data set for the referral of candidate patients for home enteral nutrition teleconsultation: TELENUT project. Nutrición Hospitalaria
Abuín-Fernández, Jose, Doulatram-Gamgaram, Viyey, Sánchez-Torralvo, Francisco, Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria, Padín, Susana, Gonzalo-Marín, Montserrat, Olveira, Gabriel (2020) Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in patients with home enteral nutrition. Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición
Blanco Ramos, Benjamín, García López, Baltasar, Gómez Bellvert, Nuria (2022) Nutritional status and use of health resources following the implementation of a PEG tube nutrition program for neurological patients in home hospitalization. Nutrición Hospitalaria
Bischoff, Stephan C., Arends, Jann, Decker-Baumann, Christiane, Hütterer, Elisabeth, Koch, Sebastian, Mühlebach, Stefan, Roetzer, Ingeborg, Schneider, Andrea, Seipt, Claudia, Simanek, Ralph, Stanga, Zeno (2024) S3-Leitlinie Heimenterale und heimparenterale Ernährung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM). Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin
Abuín-Fernández, Jose, Doulatram-Gamgaram, Viyey, Sánchez-Torralvo, Francisco, Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria, Padín, Susana, Gonzalo-Marín, Montserrat, Olveira, Gabriel (2020) Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in patients with home enteral nutrition. Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed.)

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