Nutrición Hospitalaria 01814 /
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Trabajo Original

Evaluation of factors that may influence in the insufficient weight loss in patients after two years of roux-en-y gastric bypass

Mariana Camara Martins Bezerra Furtado, Karina Marques Vermeulen, Paula Emília Nunes Ribeiro Bellot, Cynthia Meira De Almeida Godoy, Daniel Coelho, Eudes Paiva De Godoy, Antonio Manuel Gouveia De Oliveira, Josemberg Marins Campos

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 2042      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 6936      Citas   Citas: 4


Introduction: bariatric surgery is a favorable option for the treatment of obesity, resulting in long-term weight loss.Objectives: to analyze whether feeding behavior, evaluated by caloric intake, dietary preferences and tolerance, can be considered as a determinant factor for weight loss in obese patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB).Methods: cross-sectional study of 105 patients with at least two years post-RYGB surgery with a preoperative body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 35 kg/m². Caloric intake was evaluated by 24-hour dietary recall and 3-day dietary intake record; dietary habits, by a qualitative dietary frequency questionnaire; and food tolerance, with a validated questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression was used for statistical analysis.Results: the majority of the 105 participants were female (84%). The mean age was 43.3 ± 11.4 years in the success group (n = 64) and 43.4 ± 10.7 years in the failure group (n = 41). Preoperative BMI was not associated with the outcome. Mean caloric intake did not show significant differences between groups: 24 hours recall, p = 0.27; 3-day record, p = 0.95. The frequency of weekly consumption of desserts was twice as high in the success group. Only two patients in the success group presented daily vomiting. Conclusion: the factors that determine the failure of weight loss have not yet been fully elucidated. Caloric intake was not a determining factor of failure, and insufficient weight loss was more prevalent in patients who ceased to lose weight earlier. 

Palabras Clave:

Nymo, Siren, Lundanes, Julianne, Aukan, Marthe, Sandvik, Jorunn, Johnsen, Gjermund, Græslie, Hallvard, Larsson, Ingrid, Martins, Catia (2022) Diet and physical activity are associated with suboptimal weight loss and weight regain 10–15 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: A cross-sectional study. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice
Legault, Marianne, Leblanc, Vicky, Marchand, Geneviève B., Iceta, Sylvain, Drolet-Labelle, Virginie, Lemieux, Simone, Lamarche, Benoît, Michaud, Andréanne (2021) Evaluation of Dietary Assessment Tools Used in Bariatric Population. Nutrients
Nance, Katie, Acevedo, M. Belén, Pepino, M. Yanina (2020) Changes in taste function and ingestive behavior following bariatric surgery. Appetite

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