Nutrición Hospitalaria 01853 /
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Agreement between graz malnutrition screening (gms) with subjective nutritional assessment instruments in hospitalized patients

Emanuella Mardegani Batista Lima, Betullya Lucas Almeida, Hanna Barbosa Gomes, Janine Alexandre Borges Bartochevis, Tatiana Salgado Toniato, Thailiny Ricatti Lazzarini, Taísa Sabrina Silva Pereira, Valdete Regina Guandalini

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5663      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 8017      Citas   Citas: 6


Background: it is essential for an early nutritional intervention that utilizes effective and practical nutritional screening and evaluation tools to diagnose nutritional status, increasing the patient’s survival.Objective: to evaluate the agreement of the Graz Malnutrition Screening (GMS) with subjective methods of nutritional evaluation in hospitalized patients.Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study with adults and elderly of both sexes evaluated within 48 hours of hospital admission. Nutritional status in cancer patients was identified by the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA®) and in the elderly by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF®). GMS was applied in both groups and its efficiency was compared with that of PG-SGA® and MNA-SF®. The agreement between the methods was evaluated by the kappa test, followed by assessment of diagnostic performance and correlation test. Results: of the 87 patients evaluated, 64.4% (56) presented nutritional risk according to GMS, while 49.4% (43) and 47.1% (41) indicated nutritional risk and malnutrition according to MNA-SF® and PG-SGA®, respectively. GMS presented moderate agreement with PG-SGA®(p < 0.001) and MNA-SF® (p < 0.001), with high sensitivity, specificity,  positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Correlations wereobserved between the GMS score and both the PG-SGA® (p < 0.001) and MNA-SF® scores (p < 0.001).Conclusion: GMS was effective in detecting nutritional risk in hospitalized patients when compared to classic tools in the evaluation of nutritionalstatus in hospitalized patients.

Palabras Clave:

Sahin, Nursel, Tek, Nilufer Acar (2022) Validity of the Graz Malnutrition Screening as an indicator of malnutrition in hospitalized patients. Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Rigatti Silva, Stella Marys, Almeida Corrêa, Ana Paula, Dornelles Santarém, Michelle, de Assis, Michelli Cristina Silva, Gomes Beghetto, Mariur (2021) Interobserver agreement in using a checklist for the safe administration of enteral nutrition. Nutrición Hospitalaria
Cortés-Aguilar, Regina, Malih, Narges, Abbate, Manuela, Fresneda, Sergio, Yañez, Aina, Bennasar-Veny, Miquel (2024) Validity of nutrition screening tools for risk of malnutrition among hospitalized adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Nutrition

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