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Physical fitness reference standards in macedonian children and adolescents: the makfit study

Seryozha Gontarev, Ruzdija Kalac, Lence Aleksovska Velickovska, Vujica Zivkovic

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 5929      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 11461      Citas   Citas: 7


Background: physical fitness is a powerfull indicator of the health coindition in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. This research is performed in order to determine the age and gender stratified reference values for healthy physical fitness for Macodonian children and adolescents and to identify signicicant gender differences.Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional and population-based study examined the physical fitness among a random and large national representative sample of schoolchildren aged six to 14 years in Macedonia. A sample of 9,241 children and adolescents (4,716 boys and 4,525 girls) was assessed by the EUROFIT fitness test battery. The LMS statistical method was used.Results: smoothed gender and age-specific percentiles for the physical fitness tests in boys and girls aged six to 14 years are reported and expressed as both tabulated and curves values (P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P95). Figures showed greater physical fitness levels in boys, except for the sit-and-reach test, in which girls performed slightly better. There was also a trend towards increased physical fitness levels as the age increased in both boys and girls.Conclusion: the percentile values provided will enable the correct interpretation and monitoring of fitness status of Macedonion children.

Palabras Clave:

Elezi, Abdulla, Kadriu, Valon, Elezi, Gresa, Georgiev, Georgi, Gontarev, Seryozha (2022) Cardiorespiratory Fitness Cut-Points Related to Body Adiposity Parameters in Macedonian Children. Physical Education Theory and Methodology
Zhang, Feng, Bi, Cunjian, Yin, Xiaojian, Chen, Qi, Li, Yuqiang, Liu, Yuan, Zhang, Ting, Li, Ming, Sun, Yi, Yang, Xiaofang (2021) Physical fitness reference standards for Chinese children and adolescents. Scientific Reports
Bojanic, Danilo, Ljubojevic, Milovan, Gontarev, Seryozha, Georgiev, Georgi, Velickovska, Lence Aleksovska (2023) First body fat reference curves for Macedonian children and adolescents: the MAKFIT study. Nutrición Hospitalaria
Kusari, Nertila, Metaj, Zenel, Myrtaj, Nazim, Georgiev, Georgi, Gontarev, Seryozha (2023) Maturity Status and Fat-Free Masses as Determinants of Physical Fitness Among Macedonian Schoolchildren aged 6 to 14. Physical Education Theory and Methodology
Ma, Ning, Dang, Jiajia, Liu, Yunfei, Zhong, Panliang, Yan, Xiaojin, Zhang, Jingshu, Dong, Yanhui, Song, Yi, Ma, Jun, Lau, Patrick W. C. (2022) Percentile Curves for Multiple Physical Fitness Components Among Chinese Han Children and Adolescents Aged 7–18 Years From a National Survey Based on the Total and the Normal Weight Population. Frontiers in Nutrition
Elezi, Abdulla, Elezi, Gresa, Gontarev, Seryozha, Georgiev, Georgi (2021) Gender Differences in Absolute and Relative Values of Hand Dynamometer Test with 9 and 10-Year Old Children From the Skopje Region in R.N. Macedonia. Physical Education Theory and Methodology

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