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Body height and its estimation utilizing foot length measurements in Montenegrin adolescents: a national survey

Marina Vukotic

Prepublicado: 2020-08-07
Publicado: 2020-08-07

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Background: the purpose of this research was to determine a regression equation for the estimation of stature based on foot length measurements. Methods: this research was carried out in 1,001 subjects (504 male and 497 female) from the population of Montenegrin adolescents. The stature and foot length measurements were taken according to the ISAK protocol, and the data were analyzed statistically. A linear regression analysis determined the prediction of foot length for the criterion variable of body height at a significance level of p < 0.05. These relations are presented in the form of a scatter diagram. We obtained the coefficient of determination, multiple correlation coefficients, a partial correlation coefficient, the regression, a t-test and a standardized beta coefficient. Results: the results of this research study confirmed that foot length reliably predicts stature in Montenegrin adolescents of both genders, and revealed a very useful finding for physical anthropologists and experts from related fields. Conclusions: it was confirmed that there is a correlation between foot length and body height (males: 41.9 %, females: 44.3 %). Therefore, foot length has proven to be a reliable predictor on the basis of which actual body height can be estimated. Keywords:

Palabras Clave: Prediction. Anthropometry. Foot length. Montenegrin.

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