Nutrición Hospitalaria H0848
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Intestinal permeability measurements: general aspects and possible pitfalls

Publicado: 2021-11-02

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 422      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 2534      Citas   Citas: 0


Introduction: Disturbances of the gut barrier function have been related to a variety of diseases, including intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases. The intestinal permeability tests are considered useful tools for evaluating disease severity and to follow-up patients after a therapeutic intervention and indirectly assess barrier function. Objective: The aims of this review were to highlight the possible factors underlying higher intestinal permeability and the clinical conditions that have been associated with this in different age range; and also provide some insight into methodological aspects. Results and discussion: Abnormal regulation of tight junction function is the main cause of altered intestinal barrier. The impaired barrier function results in higher permeation rates of administered probes through the intestinal mucosa. Lactulose and mannitol are one of the most commonly used probes. The innocuousness and easiness of intestinal permeability tests can be explored to expand the knowledge about the clinical situations in which intestinal barrier dysfunction can be an important feature. Many factors may influence the results of the test. Researchers and healthcare professionals should try to circumvent the possible pitfalls of the intestinal permeability tests to produce consistent evidences. The use of others markers of intestinal physiology may also contribute to understand the role of barrier function in different diseases.

Palabras Clave: Intestinal permeability. Gut barrier. Lactulose. Mannitol.

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