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Introduction: The discovery of vitamin D muscle receptors in the last few years suggested a significant role in muscle tissue, pointing out athletes as a special group. Specific data are scarce. Aim: The main aim of the current paper was to provide, for the first time, comparable data about vitamin D status in elite Spanish athletes by sport, age, season and training environment. Methods: Four hundred and eight elite athletes with a mean age of 22.8 ± 8.4 years were recruited from the High-performance sport centre in Barcelona for this cross-sectional study. Athletes from 34 different sports modalities were analysed. Data were available for vitamin D status, training environment, seasonality and number of medical visits. All data were analysed using SPSS version 18.0. Results: Mean 25(OH)D of all athletes was 56.7 ± 23.4 nmol/L. Approximately 82% of the athletes were below the optimal levels, (< 75nmol/l), 45% had moderate deficient levels (< 50 nmol/L) and 6% had severe deficiency (< 27.5 nmol/L). We have observed a steady increase in 25(OH)D concentrations with increasing age (p < 0.01) Highest levels were observed in those subjects training outdoors compared with those training indoor (p<0.01). Differences between sport modalities were observed. Even during summer, 87% of the athletes had insufficient 25(OH)D concentrations. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among elite Spanish athletes. Outdoor training could ensure vitamin D sufficiency and differences between sports modalities should be taken into account for future research. The results contribute to identify the need of optimizing vitamin D status across athletes.
Palabras Clave: 25(OH)D concentrations. Elite ahtletes. Sun exposure. Sports modalities. Training.
Ignacio Rosety , María Teresa Pery , Jesús Rosety , Natalia García-Vazquez , María Antonia Rodríguez-pareja , Francisco Brenes-martín , Antonio Díaz , Manuel Rosety-rodríguez , Francisco Javier Ordoñez , Miguel Ángel Rosety
Sergio Sellés , José Fernández-sáez , Guillermo López-lluch , Roberto Cejuela
Manuel Alarcón Hormazábal , Pedro Delgado Floody , Lidia Castillo Mariqueo , Nicole Thuiller Lepelegy , Pablo Bórquez Becerra , Carlos Sepúlveda Mancilla , Sara Rebolledo Quezada
Michael C. Zourdos , Chad Dolan , Justin M. Quiles , Alex Klemp , Edward Jo , Jeremy P. Loenneke , Rocky Blanco , Michael Whitehurst
Manuel Viñuela García , Antonio Vera Ibáñez , David Colomer Poveda , Gonzalo Márquez Sánchez , Salvador Romero Arenas
Raúl Domínguez , Manuel Vicente Garnacho-castaño , José Luis Maté-muñoz
Luis Peñailillo Escarate , Karen Mackay Phillips , Natalia Serrano Duarte , Pablo Canales Espinoza , Pamela Miranda Herrera , Hermann Zbinden-foncea
José Ramón Alvero Cruz , Mauro Ronconi , Jerónimo Carmelo García Romero , Margarita Carrillo De Albornoz Gil , Manuel Jíménez López , Lorena Correas Gómez , Elvis Álvarez Carnero
Sergio Calonge-Pascual , José Antonio Casajús Mallén , Marcela González-Gross
María José Arias Téllez , Gabriela Noemi Carrasco Navarro , Julio Plaza Díaz
Millán Aguilar-navarro , Jesús Muñoz-guerra , María Del Mar Plata , Juan Del Coso
Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal , Juan Alfonso García-Roca , Mario Albaladejo , Mercedes Fernández-Alarcón , Francisco Esparza-Ros
Jesús Siquier Coll , Diego Muñoz Marín , Francisco Javier Grijota Pérez , Ignacio Bartolomé Sánchez , María Concepción Robles Gil , Julio Montero Arroyo , Marcos Maynar Mariño
Pablo Antonio López Cáceres , Marcos Chena , Iván Asín Izquierdo , Alicia Moreno-Ortega , Rafael Moreno Rojas
Roberto Moris , Pedro Delgado-Floody , Cristian Martínez Salazar
Carlos H. Orces
Jefferson Alencar da Silva , Vitor De Salles Painelli , Isabella Caroline Santos , Déborah Cristina Marques , Fabiano Mendes de Oliveira , Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira , Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco
Ana Carla Leocadio de Magalhaes , Vilma Fernandes Carvalho , Sabrina Pereira da Cruz , Andréa Ramalho
Maximiliano Torres-Banduc , Luis Chirosa-Ríos , Ignacio J. Chirosa-Ríos , Daniel Jerez Mayorga
Andrea Nunes Mendes de Brito , Iara Katrynne Fonsêca Oliveira , Nayra do Socorro Caldas Carvalho de Almeida Teixeira , Dorcas Lamounier Costa , Poliana Cristina Almeida Fonseca , Patrícia Helen Rondó , Liania Alves Luzia , Isabel Oliveira Aires , Adriana de Azevedo Paiva
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