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Background: exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is a multifactorial phenomenon that induces muscle function loss because of mechanical and immune stressor stimuli. This immunological stress is mostly caused by inflammation and increased oxidative status. Cherries are fruits that contain a phenolic compound known as anthocyanin, which serves as a pigment in natura. However, research suggests this pigment might provide a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory strategy when consumed by humans. Objectives: the aim of this study was to critically review the literature on cherry consumption focusing on identifying protective strategies against EIMD conferred by it. Methods: a research was performed in PubMed database. This review presents the results about cherry consumption and EIMD. Results: the articles identified in this review support the notion that tart cherry consumption attenuates EIMD symptoms after intense exercise bouts. This attenuation seems to be related to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds present in tart cherries. Conclusion: daily consumption of tart cherries may attenuate inflammatory and oxidative responses to EIMD, leading to faster recovery after exercise bouts.
Palabras Clave: Cherries. Muscle damage. Flavonoids. Anthocyanins. Recovery.
Juan Carlos Sánchez-García , Raquel Rodríguez-Blanque , Antonio Manuel Sánchez López , Laura Baena García , Sara Suárez Manzano , María José Aguilar-cordero
Ángel Gil
Ana Cantón Blanco
Julia Álvarez Hernández
Ignacio Escribano Ott , Javier Ibáñez Santos
María Robles Rebollo , María Inmaculada López Aliaga , Javier Díaz Castro , Jorge Moreno-Fernández , María José Muñoz Alférez
Isaac López Laval , Diego Marques-Jiménez , Álvaro Velarde-Sotres , Sebastian Sitko , Julio Calleja Gonzalez , Juan Mielgo-Ayuso
Nicole Commentz Abarza , Raúl Jara Latorre , Matías Letelier Vuskovic , Lucas Lacalle Quiero , Verónica Irribarra Pastenes , Melina Vogel Martínez , Paola Negrón Granzotto , Daniela Costa Reyes , Camila Contreras Alonso , Gabriela Espinoza Nehgme , Olga Uauy Zirinsky , Maria Fernanda Jara Cordero , Pascuala Urrejola Noguera
Edith Tello-Palma , Martiza Choque-Quispe , Myrian Pacheco-Tanaka , Walter Zamalloa-Cuba , Marleni Valencia-Pacho , Teófilo Donaires-Flores , Elva Macedo-Enriquez , Adelaida Viza-Salas , Amalia Quispe-Romero , Wilbert Paredes-Ugarte , Marco Cossio-Bolaños , Rossana Gómez-Campos
Ethel Lira Marcial , Iván Antonio García-Montalvo , María de los Ángeles Contreras Oliveros , Michelle Macías Moreno
Héctor Fuentes-Barría , Raúl Aguilera-Eguía , Lissé Chiquinquirá Angarita-Dávila , Olga Patricia López-Soto
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