Nutrición Hospitalaria 00254 /
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Trabajo Original

Timing versus caloric goal in nutritional therapy for critically ill patients

Oellen Stuani Franzosi, Sergio Henrique Loss

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Introduction: Enteral nutrition is an important therapy for severely critically ill patients. The timing and amount of energy have been highly debated.Objective: The aim of the present study was to directly compare the timing and the caloric targets in critically ill patients.Methods: Retrospective cohort study conducted at a single center, comparing timing and caloric goal for critically ill patients. Patients were stratified according to the start of nutritional therapy (24, 48, or more than 48 h) and the amount of energy delivered (target adequacy of previously calculated percentage in the first week). Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and non-parametric tests for independent samples and logistic regression. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or incidence and percentage.Results and discussion: There were no differences in major clinical outcomes in relation to the achievement of percentage of caloric goal at the end of the first week of the study. The beginning of caloric intake on the first day of hospitalization was associated with reduced mortality in the intensive care unit, but not with hospital mortality. The strategy of an early and limited amount of calories seems to be associated with a better outcome. Prospective studies evaluating and comparing these strategies are recommended.

Palabras Clave: Critical care. Nutrition therapy. Early nutrition. Energy intake. Caloric goal. Mortality.

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