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Artículo Especial

Conclusions of the ii international and iv spanish hydration congress. toledo, spain, 2nd -4th december, 2015

Javier Aranceta-Bartrina, Ángel Gil, Ascensión Marcos, Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo, Lluis Serra-Majem, Gregorio Varela-Moreiras, Adam Drewnowski, Andreu Palou, Arturo Anadón, Bob Murray, Carmen Gómez Candela, Claudio Maffeis, Daniel Ramón, David Benton, Dolores Corella, Elena Alonso-Aperte, Emilio Martínez De Victoria, Eric O’neal, Frania Pfeffer, Hans Braun, Henry Lukaski, Isabel Polanco, Jennifer Bernal, José José González-alonso, José María Ordovás, Juan Del Coso, Larry Kenney, Luís B. Sardinha, Manuel Díaz-rubio, Marcela González-gross, María Kapsokefalou, Michael N. Sawka, Mindy Millard-stafford, Nieves Palacios, Phil Watson, Pilar Riobó, Rafael Urrialde, Ricardo Mora-rodríguez, Ronald J. Maughan, Rosa Mª Ortega, Ryszard Gellert, Samuel Oliver, Steven Trangmar, Teresa Partearroyo Cediel

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 13514      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 9247      Citas   Citas: 6


Water is the major component of our organism representing about 60% of total body weight in adults and has to be obtained through the consumption of different foods and beverages as part of our diet. Water is an essential nutrient performing important functions, including transport of other nutrients, elimination of waste products, temperature regulation, lubrication and structural support. In this context, hydration through water has an essential role in health and wellness, which has been highly acknowledged in recent years among the health community experts such as nutritionists, dietitians, general practitioners, pharmacists, educators, as well as by physical activity and sport sciences experts and the general population.

Palabras Clave: Hydration

López-Ruzafa, Encarnación, Vázquez-López, María A., Galera-Martínez, Rafael, Lendínez-Molinos, Francisco, Gómez-Bueno, Sara, Martín-González, Manuel (2021) Prevalence and associated factors of iron deficiency in Spanish children aged 1 to 11 years. European Journal of Pediatrics
Lopez-Nava, Gontrand, Negi, Anuradha, Bautista-Castaño, Inmaculada, Rubio, Miguel Angel, Asokkumar, Ravishankar (2020) Gut and Metabolic Hormones Changes After Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Vs. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG). Obesity Surgery
Gómez-Bueno, Sara, Vázquez-López, Maria A., García-Escobar, Iciar, Cabrera-Sevilla, Jose Eugenio, Ortiz Pérez, María, Bonillo-Perales, Antonio, Lendinez-Molinos, Francisco (2021) Status of folate in healthy children in Almeria. European Journal of Pediatrics
(2019) Silent drivers of childhood obesity in India. Indian Journal of Public Health
Lopez-Nava, Gontrand, Asokkumar, Ravishankar, Lacruz, T., Rull, A., Beltran, L., Bautista-Castaño, Inmaculada (2020) The effect of weight loss and exercise on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) following Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies (EBT) for obesity. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Cubas de Basterrechea, Gloria, González Antón, Carolina, de la Vega-Hazas Pérez, Carmen, Elío Pascual, Iñaki, Muñoz Cacho, Pedro (2020) Adherence to the healthy eating guide issued by the Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria (SENC) (2018) among non-institutionalized elderly in Santander, Spain. Nutrición Hospitalaria

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