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Trabajo Original

Evaluation of the acceptability of low glycaemic index preparations, formulated by replicating traditional Chilean culinary preparations with a high glycaemic index

Claudia Vega Soto, Kathleen Priken Figueroa, Elizabeth Venegas, Paola Vera Fontecha, Daniela Pincheira Ruiz, Marcela Alviña Walker

Prepublicado: 2020-09-22
Publicado: 2020-10-13

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 4957      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 4109      Citas   Citas: 0


The aim of this study was to determine the acceptability of low glycaemic index (GI) preparations, equivalent to the traditional high GI ones in Chile, elaborated with minimal changes in the ingredients and culinary techniques that significantly diminish the GI and maintain acceptability level. Twelve high-GI traditional lunches and their low GI counterparts were prepared. For 12 days, 20 apparently healthy women randomly tasted 2 paired preparations per day (low and high GI). The attributes of appearance, taste, smell, and texture of salads, main course, and desserts, as well as those of the full lunch, were evaluated using a hedonic scale of 7 and 9 points. Lunches with a high GI (90 ± 20.5 %) were modified by changing types of food ingredients, and/or by using culinary techniques to provide a low-GI counterpart with 47 ± 5.9 % GI (p < 0.001). All the preparations were classified as optimal, exceeding the established cut-off point. The “Legume with CHO” lunch had a higher acceptability level in its low GI version (p = 0.006), while the “Chicken with corn” lunch had it in its high GI version (p = 0.004). There was a preference for low-GI salad appearance (p = 0.003) and dessert flavour (p = 0.024), while high-GI main dishes were better praised for flavour (p = 0.034) and texture (p = 0.012). It is therefore possible to prepare low-GI menus equivalent to their traditional counterparts that are received as generally acceptable, with components and sensory attributes equal to, or even better than typical Chilean cuisine dishes.

Palabras Clave: Glycaemic index. Acceptability. Sensory evaluation. Typical meals. Ingredients.

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