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Trabajo Original

ABCA1 gene R1587K polymorphism could be associated with metabolic syndrome and increased plasma triglyceride concentration in adults from northern Mexico

Mildren Porchas Quijada, Zyanya Reyes Castillo, Oney Román Pellegrini, Elizabeth Artalejo Ochoa, Silvia Yolanda Moya Camarena, Maricela Montalvo Corral, Martha Nydia Ballesteros Vásquez

Prepublicado: 2020-07-20
Publicado: 2020-10-13

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 29232      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 5440      Citas   Citas: 0


Objectives: to investigate the relationship of R1587K genotypes with cardiovascular (CV) risk, metabolic syndrome (MetS), lipid profile, paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity, and anti-oxLDL titers. Methods: we performed a cross-sectional study in 57 northern Mexican adults with no reported diseases. The ABCA1 R1587K SNP was detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using TaqMan allelic discrimination probes. We evaluated the relationship of R1587K with metabolic syndrome and clinical parameters including lipid profile, glucose and insulin, PON1 activity and concentration, anti-oxLDL antibodies, anthropometry and body-composition parameters, and the atherogenic index of plasma calculation. Results: our results show higher triglyceride levels in the RK + KK carriers as compared to RR carriers (p = 0.031). An association between the RK + KK genotype and the presence of MetS (OR = 4.566, 95% CI = 1.386-14.92, p = 0.010) and a tendency towards high CV risk (OR = 3.317, 95% CI = 0.910-8.611, p = 0.069) was observed in comparison to RR carriers; however, there were no differences in HDL-C levels, PON1 activity and concentration, and anti-oxLDL titers among the R1587K genotypes. Conclusions: in the northern Mexican population, the ABCA1 gene R1587K SNP is present and the RK + KK genotypes are associated with MetS and increased triglyceride concentrations; therefore, it could be a CV risk biomarker. Nevertheless there is a need for further confirmation in longitudinal studies.

Palabras Clave: rs2230808 polymorphism. Cardiovascular diseases. Paraoxonase-1. anti-oxLDL antibodies. Hypertriglyceridemia.

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