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Objective: Recently, it has been reported that food choices of relatives of eating disorder (ED) patients are not adequate having in mind a healthy model of eating habits. The aim of this study was to analyse how work conditions relate to parents’ food choice coping strategies in both families with a member suffering from an ED and families with no sick members. In addition, the differences in those strategies between the two types of working parents were studied. Methods: A total of 80 employed fathers (n = 27) and mothers (n = 53) of patients with an ED (n = 50) and healthy offsprings (n = 30) were interviewed. The mean age was 43.57 ± 5.69 and they had moderate incomes. Food choice coping strategies, used by working parents to integrate work and family demands, were measured by means of 22 items included in five categories. Results: Considering the food choice coping strategies, ED patients’ relatives show better skills than relatives of healthy offsprings do. The fact of preparing more meals at home and less fast food as main meal are good examples of those better strategies as well as to miss less number of breakfasts and lunches because of workfamily conflict, grabbing less frequently and overeat less after missing a meal. Discussion: The therapeutic effort to improve the food choices of ED patients’ relatives, especially when both father and mother work, are a key point to improve the eating habits of ED patients, thus contributing to a better outcome.
Palabras Clave: Food choice. Coping strategies. Work-family conflict. Work-family spillover. Eating disorders. Nutritional education.
Marta Arroyo-izaga , Virginia Andía Muñoz , Geert Demon
Fernando Vio del Río , Lydia Lera , Alejandra Fuentes-García , Judith Salinas
Toni Díaz , Pilar Ficapal-cusí , Alicia Aguilar-martínez
Mª José Fierro , Judith Salinas , Lydia Lera , Carmen Gloria González , Fernando Vio del Río
María Martínez Villaescusa , Miguel León Sanz , Ángel Aguado García , Asunción Pedrón Megías , Mercedes Martínez Díaz , César Gonzalvo Díaz , Llanos García Arce , Ana Pérez Rodríguez , Jose Miguel Gimenez Bachs , Abigail Azaña Rodríguez , Ana Belén González Martínez , Clara García Martínez , Carmen Gómez Roldán , Francisco Botella Romero
Jelena Balkić , Ivan Radoš , Ines Banjari
Fernando Vio del Río , Marcela Olaya , Lydia Lera
Alejandro Domínguez Rodríguez , Ausiàs Cebolla i Marti , Elia Oliver , Jessica Navarro , Rosa María Baños Rivera
Mireia Termes Escalé , Dámaris Martínez Chicano , Natalia Egea Castillo , Alejandra Gutiérrez Sánchez , Dolores García Arenas , Núria Llata Vidal , Javier Martín de Carpi
Viviana Loria-Kohen , Rocío Campos del Portillo , Marlhyn Valero Pérez , María Teresa Mories Álvarez , María José Castro Alija , Pilar Matía Martín , Carmen Gómez Candela
Amaya Peñalva Arigita , Maria Lecha Benet , Anna Sansano Alguero , Rosa Prats Farreras , Aida Gomes Vasquez , Helena Bascuñana Ambrós , Lluis Vila Ballester
María José Castro Alija , Marlhyn Valero Pérez , Susana Belmonte Cortés , Marta de Diego Díaz Plaza
Victoria Arija Val , Josefa Canals
Alejandro Domínguez Rodríguez , Ausiàs Cebolla i Marti , Jessica Navarro , Rosa María Baños Rivera
Esma Asil , Mustafa Volkan Yılmaz , Feride Ayyıldız , Tuba Yalçın
Cristian Antony Ramos-Vera , Yaquelin E. Calizaya-Milla , Jacksaint Saintila
Marcela Farias , Dominique Manieu , Erika Baeza , Camila Monsalves , Natalie Vera , Pablo Vergara Barra , Marcell Leonario-Rodríguez
Murat Urhan , Cengiz Cengisiz , Melek Türk , Ceren Akanalçı
Claudia Andrea Troncoso Pantoja
Mireia Termes Escalé , Dámaris Martínez Chicano , Natalia Egea Castillo , Alejandra Gutiérrez Sánchez , Dolores García Arenas , Javier Martín de Carpi
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